Case Study - VANGO
Nhu-Hong was an early participant in the Healthy Initiatives Through Peer Education (HIPE) programme run by EMpower’s former grantee partner, VANGO, in Hue, Vietnam. HIPE provides critical health education through a peer model, reaching youth with little access to this information
In 2010, Nhu-Hong was a shy student, terrified of speaking up. However, being selected as one of the first peer health educators transformed her life. HIPE covered sensitive topics like reproductive health, gender equality, and violence prevention. These sessions, alongside life skills like problem-solving and decision-making, helped Nhu-Hong grow in confidence
Now a HIPE Coordinator, Nhu-Hong leads training for new peer educators. Recently, she proudly presented at HIPE’s first youth conference, supported by EMpower, in front of 300 participants